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Kyle Christenson
Ryan Eldin
Brock Bishop
Elyse Estra
Elena Nemirovskii
Chris Durland
Dr. Alex Takshyn

Where do the NCLEX Question of the Day questions come from?

The NCLEX Question of the Day questions are pulled randomly from our standalone NCLEX question bank.

Where can I find more NCLEX questions?

You can find more NCLEX standalone questions and NCLEX case study questions by signing up for NCLEX Bootcamp. It's completely free to start and you get access to all content for 3 days.

Can I subscribe the the NCLEX Question of the Day for free?

Yes! Just enter your email in the email form box beneath today's question and you'll start receiving the free NCLEX Question of the Day as early as tomorrow morning.

How do I sign up for NCLEX Bootcamp?

You can sign up for NCLEX Bootcamp by clicking here.