Key Takeaway
We suggest doing two major things when you are remediating to re-take the NCLEX:
- Be honest about what went wrong and which area you’re weakest in
- Review your Candidate Performance Report (CPR)
Table of Contents
There are many students who retake the NCLEX and pass. We suggest doing two major things when you are remediating to re-take the NCLEX:
1. Be honest about what went wrong and which area you’re weakest in
- If you didn’t recognize what most of the questions were even trying to ask you about, then you may need to review content. We build a rich content review into every single explanation. Spend your time really reviewing this content until you understand it well enough to teach it to someone else.
- Did you “know your stuff,” but you have test anxiety? Do you feel like you’re constantly “reading the question wrong?” Then you may need to specifically review some strategies from our NGN Strategy Course. Take your time, breathe, and be sure you get PLENTY of practice with our question bank, so that the NCLEX will feel very comfortable to you, like just another Bootcamp practice test.
2. Review your Candidate Performance Report (CPR)
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