Registering for the NCLEX -
Be sure to follow the steps exactly as specified on the NCSBN’s website. Read the entire NCLEX candidate registration process so that you don’t run into any trouble on test day. Be sure to register for the test early – seats tend to fill up fast.
Exam Day Reminders -
Read over this checklist so you know what to expect for exam day:
- Dress comfortably: Hats, scarves, gloves, and outerwear are to be left outside of the testing room. Provisions are made for religious/cultural dress.
- Arrive early: Arrive at the test center at least 30 minutes before testing time. If more than 30 minutes late, candidates may be required to forfeit the appointment and to re-register and pay another exam fee.
- Provide your biometrics: Signature, photograph, and palm vein scan are required before being admitted to test.
- Provided materials: An on-screen calculator and erasable note board/marker for making notes will be provided.
- Set your pace: Candidates have five hours to complete the NCLEX, including breaks. Take time to analyze each question carefully—once a response is submitted, candidates cannot return to that question.
- Finishing up: The test will end with a short survey. Afterward, candidates should raise their hands and wait for the test administrator to dismiss them.
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