Meet Lillian, a happy NCLEX Bootcamp customer who recently passed the NCLEX. I’ve asked Lillian to share her NCLEX experience with us.
How did you use NCLEX Bootcamp to prepare for the NCLEX?
I used the Bootcamp study guide and the NGN case studies. I love how Dr. Emily and her team explain the rationales and the standalone questions. I was amazed at how relaxed I was during the test. It just felt like another day following my study schedule and testing myself after a full day of studying. I also joined the Bootcamp Facebook study group and participated in the NCLEX question of the day. Later in the evening, if I wasn't working, I'd join my study group. We'd share screens since we had Bootcamp, and we'd work on case study questions and standalone questions together. We'd typically do 10 to 25 questions as a group. One person would read the question and answer choices, and we'd discuss and select the answer that most of us agreed on. If someone chose a different answer, we'd ask them to explain their reasoning. Then, we'd listen to Dr. Emily's explanations.
I encouraged people in our study group to have a notebook and jot down questions they missed to revisit those topics later. We did something every day. If you couldn't meet with the study group, you were to review your missed items from the previous study session and do your case study and standalone questions according to the Bootcamp Study Schedule. We'd discuss questions and review our study notes.
Consistency is key, along with believing in yourself and utilizing all the tools that Bootcamp and their team provide. I also recommend taking a few days off to relax and have some fun to avoid burnout. Bootcamp has prepared us very well.
What did you struggle with most while you were studying for the NCLEX?
WOW! What did I not struggle with? Well, I struggled with being inconsistent at times. I also struggled with using too many resources. I had to learn to use them more like dictionaries: look up the information I needed and then close them, especially our nursing textbooks. However, if they had a test bank, I would keep them, so I used many of them for my test banks.
What is one piece of advice you would give to another student preparing to take the NCLEX?
I would say, "Believe in yourself. You've got this!" Build your confidence by being well-prepared, even overprepared, so that on exam day, you'll be relaxed. I was so relaxed, I was scaring myself. Write down your name with your license title behind it and review it every day. Review and study daily. Take at least two days to do something fun. When those two days are up, you'll be motivated to get back on schedule. If you're studying and lose focus, take a break and then come back to it. Also, utilize a timer to keep you on task. If you can make it through nursing school or an accelerated program, you can make it through the NCLEX exam. Most importantly, prayer is powerful!

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