How did you use NCLEX Bootcamp to prepare for the NCLEX?
I used NCLEX Bootcamp to practice my techniques. I learned from the Mark Klimek Lectures, they were free online and a nice way to get enough information without overloading yourself with knowledge. This test is all about strategy and that’s exactly that Bootcamp helped me refine.
I failed my NGN the first time using Archer as it didn’t provide explanations that made sense to me. Bootcamp has both an in depth explanation and a key summary, which covers explanations for whatever your needs might be.
I would do 30-60 questions a day and Bootcamp allows you to do it in tutorial mode so that you’re learning and practicing.
NCLEX Bootcamp also has an awesome Case Study and Standalone question section, which allows you to practice where your weak questions are. You can also create tests to tune to your weakest points based on practice tests.
Couldn’t have done it without NCLEX Bootcamp!!
What did you struggle with most while you were studying for the NCLEX?
I really struggled with how to go about studying. The first attempt, I was focusing on knowledge. So I did the 6 week study guide on Archer, trying to keep up with the lessons and tests it recommended. Although this is great for some people, it didn’t work for me.
I didn’t understand what the test was trying to get out of me. It’s a common sense and safety exam, it is not like a final exam in Nursing school where you regurgitate knowledge. You have to use your critical thinking to pick apart what it is asking of you.
I didn’t have the confidence the first time along. NCLEX Bootcamp really allowed me to practice in a digestible format, giving instant feedback and review as needed. It has underlined terminology in case you need review inside of the rationale, which is helpful since there are a million conditions, medications and other nursing things.
What is one piece of advice you would give to another student preparing to take the NCLEX?
Don’t focus on the percentage you get. The thing I loved about NCLEX Bootcamp is that it always shows the average score based on the questions you’re resented with.
I want you to think to yourself “I only have to know what everybody else knows”. You don’t have to know everything!! And setting yourself up with this expectation will be too heavy for you to carry.
For example, some things are harder than others so some questions will have an average score of 34%. What does that mean? Not everyone knows this. Pay attention to the questions you’re getting wrong and if it has a low percentage, try not to sweat it.
Focus more on being around the average than being above and beyond. It doesn’t matter if you get a 48% or a 98%, as long as everyone else is around that point as well. It’s a pass fail exam, the grade ultimately doesn’t matter.
I was getting around 5-20% higher than the average. It really depended on the content and what I felt more comfortable with. As long as you’re around 5-10% of the average score, you’re in a good place.
Breathe, take your time and keep going. You got this nurses!
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