Meet Marisol, a happy NCLEX Bootcamp customer who recently passed the NCLEX. I’ve asked Marisol to share her NCLEX experience with us.
How did you use NCLEX Bootcamp to prepare for the NCLEX?
NCLEX Bootcamp prepared me for NCLEX by providing easy-to-understand and short rationales. The case studies provided videos that helped me understand why I got the question wrong. I would look at the rationales and write them down. I then reviewed the content information so I could understand it. The stand alone questions were definitely difficult but I like how everything was broken down into categories and it would let you know if you got it wrong right there and then. When they added the readiness assessments those were amazing. It would let you know what categories you needed to study more in. They also provided a 30 day schedule that I followed. Because honestly when I started studying I did not know where to even start. Meeting the two pass targets on my performance page made me feel more confident that I was gonna do better on my test.
What did you struggle with most while you were studying for the NCLEX?
Where to start. It was the most difficult thing to do. This test is very stressful, it’s like having to start nursing class all over again and learn everything in a matter of 6 weeks. You question yourself - how much is enough? Time management was a big issue for me. I just had delivered my second baby. From trying to study, being a mom and still having a part-time job, it was a little difficult. It was either sleepless nights or just finding the time to study. NCLEX Bootcamp pushed me to want to study. They provided Facebook webinars in the study group that helped you answer questions and also gain confidence to take the test. It made me feel less nervous and made everything easier. My biggest weakness were fundamentals and pharm.
What is one piece of advice you would give to another student preparing to take the NCLEX?
I would tell them to take their time and not worry if they get more than 85 questions. Just keep thinking that you’re still in the game, you got this. Pray on it. Study what you need help with and don’t over stress and try jamming everything you learned in nursing school. Stick to one or two study resources. All people learn their own way so find what works best for you. I would do questions / case studies on the subjects I needed help with. I would review content until I understood it. NCLEX Bootcamp was the best thing I could’ve used to pass my NCLEX. Don’t doubt yourself you already did the hardest thing in life now you just have to pass NCLEX! You're going to be an amazing nurse!

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