How did you use NCLEX Bootcamp to prepare for the NCLEX?
I PASSED the NCLEX-RN exam using NCLEX Bootcamp 3-Months access. I downloaded and followed their 2 months study guide. The study content provided a rationale that is easy to understand that pushed me to continue to study. My favorite content is the CASE STUDIES because they provided short video discussions on how to approach the questions. In standalone questions, I like how the subjects categorized. When answering the questions, I always select the “tutor” button so that I could understand and write the rationales of each question. The readiness exams helped me to assess my knowledge, if I am improving or not. Tagged questions helped me to easily go back and review my missed questions, specially the RED TAGS. Meeting the two pass targets on my performance page made me feel more confident that I will do better in my exam.
What did you struggle with most while you were studying for the NCLEX?
I am a Registered Nurse in the Philippines and preparing for NCLEX while you work is a challenging. Managing your time was the most difficult thing to do especially if you’re a nurse. I work 12 hour shift, 5 days in a week for. I am glad that I discovered NCLEX Bootcamp, their 2 months study plan helped me to manage my time in studying while working. They also have webinars that you can attend for FREE and it is recorded for those students who can’t attend the live stream. The NCLEX Bootcamp's question tagging system helped to rate my understanding of each question and optimize my review time, so I can focus on learning instead of rehashing known topics.
What is one piece of advice you would give to another student preparing to take the NCLEX?
One thing I would advise to others preparing the NCLEX-RN exam would be to wisely choose their resources for studying because different people has their own strategies when studying, just stick with the study habit that works best for you. Give your time to rest and relax. Have enough sleep and water. Watching or reading concepts before answering questions is better, but if you don’t have enough time, it is good to answer questions and understand the rationale after each item. When answering your practice questions, take it seriously as if you’re already taking the NCLEX. Never ever doubt yourself and always think like a nurse. Getting more than 85 questions is fine, it means that you’re still in game.

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