How did you use NCLEX Bootcamp to prepare for the NCLEX?
I want to start off by saying, as a nursing student who was so broke by the end, NCLEX Bootcamp was my savior!! It is an AMAZING platform for such a low price! Halfway into my last month of nursing school, I bought the 1 month subscription of bootcamp knowing I wanted to take my NCLEX as soon as I received my email. I seriously cannot say enough good things, the standalone questions thoroughly explain why each answer choice is right or wrong, and the types of questions are so similar to the actual NCLEX. The case studies were also almost identical to the types I received on the exam, and because of Bootcamp, I was able to break down the answers so much easier! You also get readiness exams that really give you an idea of your weaknesses, which helped me focus on certain areas. I loved everything about NCLEX Bootcamp, and I am recommending this platform for all my friends who are still in nursing school!
What did you struggle with most while you were studying for the NCLEX?
I scheduled my NCLEX for about 2 weeks after my last day of nursing school. Knowing where to start and how to space out my studying time well to where I wouldn't over do it, but be as productive as possible. I will say I struggled with managing that time, because the last few days leading up to my exam, my scores started to decline. Because of that, I started stressing myself out thinking I needed to study more, but I just needed to relax and give my brain a break. Studying for NCLEX is so mentally exhausting, and because I gave myself a small window, it was more stressful than it should've been. But at the same time, I'm glad I took my NCLEX so soon after school, because much of what I remembered from school ended up on my exam.
What is one piece of advice you would give to another student preparing to take the NCLEX?
My biggest piece of advice would be to tell someone that if they passed nursing school, you know more than you think you do! Nursing school and nursing school exams are so hard, and we stress ourselves out so much about knowing as much material as possible because that is how we are taught to know things in school. They always tell you to "know the entire chapter". The NCLEX is a SAFETY exam, you just need to know what will harm the patient, I promise you will do great! I was incredibly stressed the days leading up to my exam, I barely slept the night before. As soon as they tell you you are able to write on your scratch paper, write down your first and last name and put "RN" after!! Slow down, take deep breaths, and do NOT stress out if you don't get shut off at 85! Mentally prepare yourself to take all 150 questions. You got this!!

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