When Should I Take the NCLEX?

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Reviewed by
Dr. Ari Rezaei
Key Takeaway

The short answer: when you feel ready! But don’t wait too long after you graduate, if possible, so that the information still feels fresh. We encourage most students to spend at least 90 days (3 months) of dedicated review and practice.

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    The short answer: when you feel ready! But don’t wait too long after you graduate, if possible, so that the information still feels fresh. We encourage most students to spend at least 90 days (3 months) of dedicated review and practice.

    The most important thing to do to prepare for the big day is to practice like it’s the real thing. You can do content review all you want, but until you know how to sit down and use that knowledge to answer actual test questions, it won’t be nearly as useful to you as practice will be.

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    Hannah Brein, DAT Bootcamp Student