Meet Cetera, a happy NCLEX Bootcamp customer who recently passed the NCLEX. I’ve asked Cetera to share her NCLEX experience with us.
How did you use NCLEX Bootcamp to prepare for the NCLEX?
Bootcamp helped me trust my gut and become more confident. I chose the 1 month study plan, but some days I did more questions than others and honestly some days I played catch up. The majority of my focus was case studies. I think that’s what helped me tremendously. Also understanding the rationales for every question even if I got the question correct. Picking the safest answer if I didn't know what the correct answer was. I made sure my personal average score stayed above the average. I focused towards the last 2 weeks of studying on my weak areas.
What did you struggle with most while you were studying for the NCLEX?
Being confident in my answers, slowing down and rereading the question if I was stuck between 2 answers, missing keywords, and learning how to critically think. Some days I was able to stick to my study plan, some days I did more questions that what was on my study plan and some days I needed to rest my brain because I felt overwhelmed. On those days, I studied my rationales that I made notes of.
What is one piece of advice you would give to another student preparing to take the NCLEX?
Pick a study plan and stick to it. Give yourself some grace if you feel overwhelmed. Read the rationales even if you get the question correct. Be confident and go with your first answer choice. Pray, manifest and do not give up! After several attempts, NCLEX Bootcamp was the only program I felt confident in!

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