We have received questions for students about whether INBDE Bootcamp can help prepare them for the Canadian dental licensing Assessment of Fundamental Knowledge (AFK).
Can INBDE Bootcamp help me prepare for the AFK?
Absolutely it can! If you look at the AFK blueprint, it closely mirrors the material that is covered on the INBDE.
What is the difference between the INBDE and AFK?
- The American INBDE is a computer based examination given over two days. The first day contains 360 questions and the second day contains 140 questions.
- The Canadian AFK is offered in both electronic and booklet formats. The AFK consists of 200 questions delivered in two parts.
- Both exams contain only multiple choice questions, however the presentation of the questions can differ. The AFK mostly consists of simple multiple choice questions, while the INBDE mostly includes patient boxes accompanying the questions.

How are these two exams similar?
- Both examinations are pass/fail and require a scaled score of 75 for a pass.
- The AFK Protocol provides a blueprint that outlines eight major subject areas for exam content. These closely align with the content areas of the INBDE and are all covered in INBDE Bootcamp!
- Here is an outline of the subjects in the AFK and the corresponding question bank in INBDE Bootcamp:

All of the topics needed to prepare for the AFK are covered in detail on INBDE Bootcamp. There are detailed explanations for each question as well as additional resources such as tutoring support and high yield videos from Mental Dental. INBDE Bootcamp is a great, comprehensive study resource for the AFK.
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