How Taylor Increased Her Score from a 15 AA to 22 AA

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"Making sure to use Quizlet or Anki to keep reviewing the big information is HUGE!"
Taylor Schmitcke
22 AA

I choose Bootcamp to study because I heard great things and it didn’t disappoint! All you need is Bootcamp and you can totally do well by just using it! I used Ari’s 90 day schedule and cut it into 60 days! I was studying and going to school for the first 45 days about 3-4 hours a day then doing close to 7-8 the last couple weeks! I was lucky that my work let me take off in this time! I took a diagnostic test the first day and scored around a 15AA 15 TS and after doing Bootcamp got to a 22 AA 23 TS on the real thing!


BC average: 20

I thought this section was very representative of the real test and I would recommend doing practice everyday! I spend hours just running through problems and practicing. I would recommend watching the videos to understanding how to do the exercises.


BC average: 22

I was always really strong in math, but this section is very much about timing. I would recommend doing the practice question banks told be able to get to know the types of questions. I also found using the calculator took up lots of time so I made sure to get really good at mental math!

Reading Comprehension

BC Average: 19

This was the section I struggled with the most. I would recommend just practice reading over and over again. I used search and destroy and loved the method, but on my real exam most of my questions were not fact based and required some inferencing.


BC Average: 21

This section is very fact heavy. I started by going though the content by reading notes, doing bio bites, and question banks. I would recommend doing all of them. I also would recommend having anatomy under your belt before you take the test. Over half of my test was anatomy and having the background helped. Making sure to use Quizlet or Anki to keep reviewing the big information is HUGE!

General Chemistry

BC Average: 21

This section I used Dr. Mikes videos and made sure to do all the question banks! Making sure to understand the question and do the math in a good amount of time. I also would recommend just brain dumping equations all the time! I mainly had math questions on my GC section so I am glad I did this.

Organic Chemistry

BC Average: 22

I again say watch all of Dr. Mikes videos and have a good organic foundation. My professor in college for this class was amazing so I had a good foundation and recommend taking this class before you take the DAT. I studied the least for this section because of my familiarity with it. I did make sure to do lots of reaction bites and the question banks!

Overall, I did all 10 practice tests for every subject with the last 6-10 being full lengths. Never give up and make sure to take deep breaths and understand this test is a marathon not a sprint! You got this! 😊

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Hannah Brein, DAT Bootcamp Student