From Falling Behind to a 27 AA: Hallie’s DAT Study Schedule

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"I solely studied using Bootcamp’s program and I felt well prepared going into the exam on test day. Bootcamp’s bites and question banks were, for me, hands down my most used feature."
Hallie Zacatelco
27 AA

My Study Schedule

When I originally started studying for the DAT, I planned on following Ari’s 3 month study plan. However, my course load during the time was pretty heavy and I ended up falling behind by week 4, so I had to alter my game plan a little bit. Studying for my classes was my main priority during the semester, which unfortunately meant I had to ease up on my DAT studying. During the school year, I ended up slowly going through the biology and general chemistry videos and taking notes. My goal by the end of the semester was to know what I needed to know, regardless of whether I had the information memorized. This helped me prioritize where I should put my focus. Luckily I had recently taken organic chemistry, so the information was fresh. I did not have to study that for more than a few hours. It was mostly just brushing up. I am also a TA for general chemistry so I could skip past those videos as well. Putting effort into my weak spots like biology and quantitative reasoning helped save my time and my sanity.

During the school year, I studied maybe 2 hours a day plus PAT practice. Once the semester ended, however, I really dove in. I studied about 8-10 hours a day. My goal of getting through the videos was accomplished, so I knew what I knew and didn't know. That was a helpful start. By that point I had 3 weeks to study before my exam date. I started going through my notes and doing bio bite after bio bite and question bank after question bank. If I didn't know a question I would go back to the notes on it and review until I could thoroughly explain it to someone else.

I wanted my practice test scores to be as closely representative of the real thing as possible so I waited to take them until I felt confident that I knew as much as I could. It would have been a hit to my confidence to see a low score, so I started taking practice exams 13 days before my exam. I took one a day for 10 days, and there were definitely some humbling moments. Even though I had been practicing PAT for as long as I'd been studying the rest of the material, I never scored above a 19. I had to cut my losses with that section and focus on things I knew I could improve. I took each test in sections (mostly because I'm too impatient to wait to finish the exam before knowing my score). After each section, I would go through the incorrect questions then move on. After 10 days my brain was absolutely worn out. I used the two days prior to the exam to chill and rest.

How the Practice Material Compared to the Real Thing

I thought the practice exams were EXTREMELY similar to the actual exam, if not harder than the real thing. Some questions were almost word for word repeats of the practice exams. I felt relieved when the math section in particular showed me almost no questions that I hadn't seen at least a variation of before. In addition to the PAT, quantitative reasoning was my struggle section.

How Bootcamp Helped Me + My Favorite Features

I solely studied using Bootcamp’s program and I felt well prepared going into the exam on test day.

Bootcamp’s bites and question banks were, for me, hands down my most used feature. I reviewed the general chemistry section’s question banks two times for practice and seeing the different color learning levels was a good indicator of where I was struggling. I also used Dr. Mike's explanation videos. They are simultaneously entertaining and helpful and were used in surplus after the practice exams.

I also used the high yield biology notes a ton. The hundred and some pages definitely seemed daunting, but I chipped away at it piece by piece, and in the end it was a helpful source to go back to when I struggled with a topic.

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Hannah Brein, DAT Bootcamp Student