I am excited to share the good news that my INBDE has passed! Thanks for Bootcamp! It’s a great platform!
The following are the resources about INBDE Prep in the market recently which are easy to find:
1 Bootcamp with Mental Dental
2 Booster: free-sample / Anki / Quizlet
3 Dental Decks
4 Dentin Inbde
5 ADA sample questions, ADA code
6 Tuft pharma
7 First-Aids question bank book (not a textbook)
8 Files & remembering Qs in the FB group: some PDFs eg: fulcrum patient management, day 2 unicorn, TMJ Piya 1&2…….some stuff like this.
9 Textbooks: Mosby, First-Aids, Kaplan Guide, Dental Nuggets, Board Buster…….
10 Other Anki cards (different from the Booster one)
11 FB private tutorial eg: Dr.T lecture…..
12 FB groups: Simplified board / The study board
13 Dental Board Master App / Website (just a little free sample……)
14 MDi prep (no free sample, very expensive……)
15 Crack NBDE (no free sample, very expensive……)
—> Needless to say, Bootcamp is the best! The most organized, rational and reasonable platform.
Study Schedule and Test Day Experience
I studied almost the material (1~10, 13) from the above list for the first round (including Bootcamp free sample of course), and watched Mental Dental 2 times. Then, I saved the last month before the exam for the Bootcamp only. I upgraded the membership and finished all questions in Bootcamp.
Just three days before the test day, I gave all Bootcamp questions a quick review (2500 more questions).
—>Then, I was so surprised that there are so many questions in Bootcamp similar to my INBDE exam.
Truly thanks to the amazing Bootcamp team! You guys are the best!
Other experiences to share:
1. The information provided in the INBDE exam is less detailed than Bootcamp questions and the quality of the photo and radiograph are not as clear as Bootcamp, so we have to adjust to it quickly and choose the best answer.
2. Don’t memory dump too quickly before the exam starts (not during the 15 minutes tutorial session).
In the video, Dr. Ryan shared that we could dump the memory on the sheet the test center provided, but it is not allowed at the test center where I took the exam, so my sheet was taken away and given a new one. I was a little bit worried at that time but I still passed the exam.
About the Bootcamp question bank: there are two similar questions about anesthesia techniques for children, but with different answers. The explanation for the questions did not seem deliberate very clear why to choose this answer. This kind of question does appear in the INBDE exam.
From the bottom of my heart for the Bootcamp to help me Ace the INBDE!
Final Thoughts
As I browsed through other students' stories, I noticed that we went through some similar experiences.
I recall having ample time to review my answers thanks to the comprehensive training received from Bootcamp. I meticulously went through each section, completing all the questions and re-checking those that I had marked and finally checking every questions again. My husband, who passed all three steps of USMLE, was curious and asked why I was taking so much time to review my answers. I simply replied, "Because I have Bootcamp!" I think he wishes he had Bootcamp for USMLE as well.
I cannot express my gratitude enough to Bootcamp and MentalDental. As an international dentist moving to the USA with two young children, preparing for the INBDE exam was a challenging and stressful journey. However, Bootcamp made it possible!
For future students taking the INBDE, my advice would be to focus on Bootcamp/Dental Mental if you want to save time and pass the exam quickly.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is any question or would like to learn more about any part of my experience.

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