Organic Chemistry Practice for the ACS Exam

Chemistry Bootcamp is the perfect study tool to learn organic chemistry and ace your ACS exam.
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Organic Chemistry Practice for the ACS Exam

Learn from the best organic chemistry professor in the world

Dr. Mike Christiansen has a PhD in organic chemistry and has been teaching students chemistry for nearly 15 years.
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Learn from the best organic chemistry professor in the world

Master the ACS exam with exam-like practice questions

Our question banks cover every topic you’ll see on the ACS exam, from bonding and molecular geometry to aldehydes and ketones.
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Master the ACS exam with exam-like practice questions

500+ lesson videos that simplify every organic chemistry concept

Understand the “big picture” of how organic chemistry works. Each chapter is broken down into bite-size video lessons and includes chapter outlines which make it easy to follow along.
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500+ lesson videos that simplify every organic chemistry concept
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Dr. Matthew
Dr. Joel Meyerson
Dr. Emily Wilson
Kyle Christenson
Ruben Mikaelyan
Dr. Ari Rezaei
Preston Lynn
Dr. Mike Christiansen
Chris Durland
Dr. Sarah Feltz
Ryan Eldin
Lynne Walenjus
Dr. Jonathan Hunter
Selena Tieu
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