Crash Course: DAT Gen Chem II

3-hour crash course on high-yield Gen Chem II (based on current DAT questions you have to know).

What you'll learn

3-hour crash course on high-yield Gen Chem II (all based on current DAT questions you have to know).

Taught by Bootcamp’s Kyle Christenson, who scored a 30 on GC. Learn to think like a DAT expert.

What we'll cover

  • Ideal Gas Assumptions
  • Combined and Ideal Gas Law
  • Density
  • Grahams Law of Effusion
  • Daltons Law of Partial Pressures
  • Intermolecular Forces
  • Phase Changes and Diagrams
  • Polarity
  • Molality and Molarity
  • Concentrations
  • Net Ionic Equation and Solubilities
  • Solubility and Henry’s Law
  • Colligative Properties
  • Raoult’s Law
  • Osmosis
  • Rate Laws and Constants
  • Integrated Rate Laws
  • Reaction Coordinate Mechanisms
  • Catalysts
  • Collision Theory and Arrhenius Equation
  • Rate Laws and Elementary Steps

Reserve your spot

Distill weeks of learning into 3 hours. Stop feeling like you're wasting time and let's learn faster, together. Reserve your spot now!